Dean’s Reflections


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Dean’s Reflections

Rally Foundation Announces Young Investigator Recipients of its Largest-Ever Grant Awards

Rally Foundation Announces Young Investigator Recipients of its Largest-Ever Grant Awards

We are living in unprecedented times. As the world grapples with a number of issues, including the COVID-19 pandemic, nothing seems normal or constant—but that really isn’t true. Childhood cancer remains a constant. At Rally, every day we are hearing about new diagnoses, relapses and even kids dying from cancer. You know what else remains constant? The commitment of the Rally Foundation Board of Directors, Advisors, supporters, and staff to fund the best cutting-edge childhood cancer...

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What Keeps Me Up At Night

What Keeps Me Up At Night

Working for Rally is such a blessing, and such a challenge. It’s a blessing to get to know these families who are fighting the childhood cancer beast. They are in a war, involving battle after battle, and sometimes they take one step forward then it seems like five steps back. But, they forge ahead, fighting through tears and finding joy in the simplest pleasures. And it is such a blessing that these families stand behind Rally’s mission to find better treatments and, ultimately, cures for...

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World Health Day

World Health Day

Today is World Health Day and this year it takes on a whole new meaning. It’s hard to believe the entire world has basically been self-quarantining, social distancing and on high alert because of COVID-19. Here in the U.S. we are bracing ourselves for a tough few weeks as cases and deaths are expected to increase. But you know what else has increased? The American spirit. We are all jumping in to help where we can: from those at home making face masks and getting food for immunocompromised...

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Just the Facts, Ma’am

Just the Facts, Ma’am

Dear Rally Supporters, Sgt. Joe Friday on Dragnet was famous for saying, “Just the facts, Ma’am.” I am actually too young to remember the old detective show, but I have heard that line my whole life. Here are “just the facts” about what is happening at Rally. We are continuing our mission of raising money to battle childhood cancer, the #1 disease killer of kids in America. We are doing this from home: though video conferencing, instant messaging, social media, email and phone calls. We are...

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It’s Fluid: Adjust and Re-Adjust

It’s Fluid: Adjust and Re-Adjust

From Dean Crowe, Founder and CEO Dear Rally Families and Rally Supporters, When I started hearing about the coronavirus and how especially dangerous it is for the immune-compromised population, I immediately thought, “This is what childhood cancer parents live with every single day.” While the majority of the U.S. population is learning the importance and being asked to put into practice the list below posted by one of our cancer moms, she said it well when she said, We’ve been trained for...

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2019 Rally Foundation Year In Review

2019 Rally Foundation Year In Review

Thank you for caring about kids fighting cancer, and thank you for giving toRally For Their Future. Rally Kid Brecklynn, who is six years old and has fought cancer twice, put it best: She said that all she wanted was to be a “plain girl,” meaning she just wanted to be a normal little girl playing dress up and having tea parties—not getting needle pokes and chemo cocktails. Your financial gift allows kids like Brecklynn, who are fighting cancer, to have the chance to be a “plain kid.” Your gift...

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