2019 Rally Foundation Year In Review

Dec 28, 2019 | Dean's Reflections, Rally Blog, Success Stories | 0 comments

Thank you for caring about kids fighting cancer, and thank you for giving to
Rally For Their Future.

Rally Kid Brecklynn, who is six years old and has fought cancer twice, put it best: She said that all she wanted was to be a “plain girl,” meaning she just wanted to be a normal little girl playing dress up and having tea parties—not getting needle pokes and chemo cocktails.

Your financial gift allows kids like Brecklynn, who are fighting cancer, to have the chance to be a “plain kid.” Your gift truly gives hope For Their Future.

Cancer takes so much from these precious kids. The drugs used to treat them are harsh, outdated and come with a plethora of harmful side effects. Rally Kid Keren endured painful treatments. Not only did she lose her hair and a year of school, but she also lost her leg.

Kids with cancer need you. We need you. We cannot do this without you.

We are philanthropic seed investors in the next great discovery. It is only with your generous financial gifts that we can and do invest in the best peer-reviewed research For Their Future.

In 2019, because of your faithful support, we’re excited to share that Rally was able to:

  • Give $3 million in new childhood cancer research grants, funding 55 projects around the world. Thank you.
  • Each year, the Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program selects research projects for funding. This year, we are incredibly proud to announce that $6.5 million was secured for cancer research in children, adolescents and young adults. Through our national advocacy efforts, united voices and your unwavering help, Rally led the charge to secure this funding which resulted in 11 projects for cancers in children, adolescents and young adults from the DoD CDMRP. Thank you.
  • Provide 5,956 meals to families in the hospital. Thank you.
  • Award 93 families in 15 states with financial assistance to help pay bills like the mortgage, water, power, car repair and cell phone so that parents can concentrate on helping their child get better. Thank you.

We take every dollar given to Rally very seriously. According to audited financials, for every dollar Rally receives, 93 cents goes to supporting our mission, and we continue to receive the highest ratings from charity watchdogs. Thank you for trusting us with your donations.

It is hard to believe that less than 4% of the National Institutes of Health’s cancer budget goes to childhood cancer research, even though cancer is the #1 disease killer of our kids in America.

It always concerns me that a cure is on the horizon, but we just haven’t gotten there yet because there was no money to fund it. How much research hasn’t been conducted yet? How many studies haven’t progressed to clinical trials? How many treatments have been overlooked due to a lack of funding?

This is why Rally exists. Your donations are critical to fill the gap in funding so that doctors who have amazing ideas for better treatments with fewer long-term side effects can actually pursue those ideas. So that one day, we will have the know-how and the means to find a cure for all kids fighting the childhood cancer beast. Your support and financial gifts allow doctors to pursue these endeavors. Thank you.

You are a partner with us in the war against childhood cancer. Your donations make it possible. We need your help. Together we are making a difference. Please give to Rally For Their Future.

Together, we are #GOLDSTRONG, United Against Childhood Cancer!

Rally On!

Dean Crowe, Founder and CEO
Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research


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