Dean’s Reflections


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Dean’s Reflections

Dean’s Letter – December 2023

Dean’s Letter – December 2023

Dear Friends, My phone buzzed. I really didn’t want to look. I knew what it would say. Rally Kid Caroline, after fighting brain cancer for 10 years, was now pain free shining brightly in heaven. Caroline shines brightly in our hearts, too. I miss that spunky mature-beyond-her-years kid. She epitomizes Rally’s mission. She spoke at Rally signature events and at corporate sponsor events. Together we advocated in Washington, D.C. for more federal funding for childhood cancer research. Rally Kid...

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Oh, What a Year!

Oh, What a Year!

Oh, what a year! As you know, we take every dollar given to Rally seriously. It could be the dollar that finds the cure for children fighting cancer. And sometimes kids, like Keren, must fight more than one cancer. Your donations matter. Every dollar matters. Please give today #ForTheirFuture. Thank you for entrusting Rally with your generous gift. Without you, none of what I am about to share would be possible. For the second year in a row, Rally has received a PERFECT SCORE OF 100% FROM...

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Dean’s Reflections – August 2021

Dean’s Reflections – August 2021

Hi Friends, Can you believe the kids are already back in school?  Summer flew by! It is great to see some normalcy returning. I mean, who wants to miss another season of college football? I’ll be honest: this summer was a rough patch with our Rally Kids. Too many relapses and too many kids earning their angel wings. But, there was great news too! Rally Kids finishing treatment and ringing the bell, some moving onto survivorship clinic and plenty of Rally Kids graduating from high school and...

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Dean’s Reflections – June 2021

Dean’s Reflections – June 2021

Hi Friends, The Rally Team came to me with an idea. And you know at Rally, if there is one thing we like, it is new ideas! They wanted to do a quarterly newsletter that would be concise and let Rally, our community as a whole, know what was happening. They asked me if they could call it Dean’s Reflections. I personally think Rally Reflections would have been better, but I finally agreed. So welcome to the first Dean’s Reflections. My first reflection is looking back on 2020 and at the first...

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Dear Presh

Dear Presh

Dear Presh (a.k.a. Sarah), My heart gets a little heavy this time of year. I start to wonder why and then realize that it means another year has passed since I last saw you. Last held your hand. Last hugged you. You fought Ewing’s Sarcoma with such poise, grace and unwavering faith in the Lord that I could only stand in awe. I didn’t meet you and your family until after your first battle with Ewing’s. I actually remember exactly where we met and how we immediately hit it off. I remember we...

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Dear William

Dear William

Dear William, There are so many memories. So many. You were the inspiration for Rally. The first Rally Kid. Your driveway was the prayer circle driveway. The driveway where, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 9:30, God took a minimum of six to as many as 15 women on an unbelievable journey to pray you and your family through your first relapse with medulloblastoma—a pediatric brain tumor. We were an interesting crew made up mainly of baseball moms from all different faiths,...

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