Just the Facts, Ma’am

Mar 27, 2020 | Dean's Reflections, Rally Blog | 0 comments

Dear Rally Supporters,

Sgt. Joe Friday on Dragnet was famous for saying, “Just the facts, Ma’am.” I am actually too young to remember the old detective show, but I have heard that line my whole life.

Here are “just the facts” about what is happening at Rally.

We are continuing our mission of raising money to battle childhood cancer, the #1 disease killer of kids in America. We are doing this from home: though video conferencing, instant messaging, social media, email and phone calls. We are also delivering hot meals to the hospitals and collecting shelf life foods for families whose children are in inpatient treatment. We are processing Family Emergency Fund requests to help families who are financially impacted by this crisis.

Adam Cohen, Rally Director of Events, helping deliver meals to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta

We are walking alongside families who just received the news that their child has cancer, families who have learned their child relapsed, families who have been told the clinical trial they qualified for is no longer an option due to the pandemic. Childhood cancer certainly isn’t taking a break because of COVID-19, and neither are we.

(On a brighter note, we had a Board Meeting this week where we voted to approve this year’s research grant funds. Stay tuned for an exciting announcement coming next week!)

Now, back to COVID-19. There has been some comparison of this virus to the flu. Below are “just the facts” as best I could find them.

Every year in the U.S. we hear it over and over: get your flu shot.

Because the flu season (October to April) comes like clockwork every year, doctors, nurses, hospitals and drug companies are able to plan for the influx of patients based on data from previous years.

According to the above numbers, in the U.S., COVID-19 is ten times as deadly as the flu.

Our doctors, nurses, medical personnel, hospitals and drug companies had basically zero time to prepare for this virus that is much, much more dangerous than the flu. Hospitals in the hardest hit areas are running short on staff, supplies and facilities. This is creating an over-burdened healthcare system and that is a critical issue.

We are very thankful to the first responders in this crisis, including medical personnel and those in the grocery, retail and delivery industries. To everyone who is staying at home, thank you for self-isolating and practicing social distancing. While it isn’t easy, and the economic disruption to the country is very painful and real, it does seem to be working. If it wasn’t, the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths would be much higher.

Doctors and nurses urging people to stay home and help flatten the curve

Please continue to self-isolate and practice social distancing. Work from home if you can and follow the requests of the CDC and our elected officials in order to contain the spread and avoid overwhelming our hospitals.

Our hearts go out to our Rally families whose immunocompromised children are part of the especially vulnerable population for COVID-19, as well as those who are concerned for their elderly parents and family members.

We know these are difficult times for all, but the fight against childhood cancer continues. If you are able to make a donation to Rally—big or small—we would be sincerely grateful.

Childhood cancer isn’t going to stay home just because of COVID-19. And that is, unfortunately, “just the facts”.

#GOLDSTRONG and Rally On!

Dean Crowe

Founder & CEO


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