Rally On for Osteosarcoma Research

Aug 4, 2020 | Dean's Reflections, Rally Blog, Rally Stories, Research | 0 comments

During this pandemic, my mantra has been “adjust and readjust.” I have shared that I learned this from the Rally families who never cease to amaze me with how often and quickly they adjust and readjust.

Today, I stand in awe of 17-year-old Rally Kid Amanda and how she has adjusted and readjusted. Less than a year ago, she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer. She was a junior in high school at the time.

Amanda has endured so much: a horrific, intense and painful treatment protocol that has not gone smoothly, surgery to remove part of her leg and replace it with a titanium rod, a full knee replacement and the loss of her hair.

Amanda met two other teenage girls, Ellie and Catherine, who were also fighting the osteosarcoma beast. They become the “Osteo Trio”—supporting each other and becoming great friends.

A couple months ago, the Osteo Trio lost one of their own, Catherine.

Today, Ellie is starting her freshman year of college.

Tomorrow, Amanda will hopefully have her last chemo treatment.

About three months ago, sitting in her bed, Rally Kid Amanda launched The Osteosarcoma Society to raise money specifically for osteosarcoma research. She has now raised over $25,000.

When I met Rally Kid Amanda, she made quite an impression on me. Even though she was in the fight of her life, she was poised and kind, thought before she spoke and had a sweet smile that brought warmth to my heart. She shared with me that she always wanted to find her purpose, her thing, and this was it.

Today, Amanda’s Osteosarcoma Society is matching donations dollar for dollar—up to $25,000—to fully fund a $50,000 osteosarcoma research project. She has selected Dr. Durbin’s new target compound research project, out of Dana-Farber, which has been peer-reviewed and vetted by Rally.

In the midst of this pandemic, I ask you to generously help Amanda reach her goal of $50,000. I know we can do this today!

While planning this match day, we thought that Amanda would get her last chemo treatment on Tuesday, August 4. But no, once again, she had to adjust as her counts were too low to get chemo. She should get it tomorrow, or maybe it will be Friday. I’d love it if Amanda went in for her last chemo knowing that her goal was met.

Join me to Rally On for Amanda and all kids who have fought or are fighting osteosarcoma, for which the treatment has been basically the same for 40 years. It’s time we give osteosarcoma treatment an adjustment.


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