How Rally Kid Keren Lets Her Light Shine

Dec 18, 2019 | Fundraising & Events, Kids, Rally Blog, Rally Stories | 0 comments

No matter how you look at it, childhood cancer is devasting for everyone involved. From harsh treatments to emotional trauma, there’s no shortage of obstacles to overcome while battling this ruthless disease.

Despite these struggles, there is one positive thing our Rally Kids and their families recommend doing: Enjoy every moment and live life to the fullest.

12-year-old Keren believes wholeheartedly in cherishing every minute with her family and staying positive despite the odds. Throughout a long battle with rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancerous tumor that occurs in soft tissue, Keren makes the most of every day as she looks toward a happy, healthy future.

That future includes big plans, as she hopes to be cancer-free and entering the eighth grade in two years. In six years, she sees herself graduating high school and getting an internship. In 15 years? She hopes to be married with a few children of her own, working as a dolphin therapist, physical therapist or child life specialist.

Keren’s parents, Kelly and Jonathan, and her two siblings, Jacob and Lyla, help keep her spirits up every step of the way. Her mom suggested journaling as an outlet during long hospital stays, and her family would also plan movie nights and other special treats to help take Keren’s mind off of her illness.

“Keren has a bright future,” said her older brother, Jacob. “She’s smart, tough, brave and she can do anything!”

Throughout her journey with childhood cancer, Keren’s personal slogan has been “let your light shine.” After everything she’s been through, Keren wants to help other kids shine their light and beat cancer, too.

When you give this season, you help kids like Keren “let their light shine” as they face the tough challenges of childhood cancer. As we enter the home stretch of 2019, we ask that you help support Rally’s mission of funding research for better treatments with fewer long-term side effects and, ultimately, a cure.

To learn more about Keren and her journey with childhood cancer, visit our blog posts:
Strong, Kind & Determined to Beat Soft Tissue Cancer: Meet Rally Kid Keren
Rally Kid Keren Shares Her Journey with Cancer and How She Stays Positive


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