Rally’s Counseling Program: Healing Childhood Cancer Families on Their Journey to the Bell

Apr 28, 2021 | Families, Fundraising & Events, Rally Blog, Rally Stories

The childhood cancer journey takes an emotional and psychological toll on the whole family. For this second post in the Journey to the Bell blog series, I had the privilege of speaking to Rally Kid Briley’s mom about the positive impact of Rally’s Counseling Program.

Briley was 7 when she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia—the most common type of blood cancer found in kids. Her diagnosis date of April 11, 2018 was also her brother’s 11th birthday. Even though Briley finished treatment in September 2020, that does not mean she or her family members are back to their normal lives.

Briley in the hospital.

Briley’s mother, Brigitte, describes her daughter as the perfect patient who never complained and always put on a brave face when asked how she was doing. Briley has a more reserved personality, and it is often challenging for her to express her true feelings.

Early in Briley’s cancer journey, Brigitte and her husband decided their son might benefit from counseling services. After seeing the positive effects it had in his life, Brigitte began to consider if Briley would benefit from counseling as well. Brigitte felt that even though Briley seemed fine on the outside, she likely had internal struggles from all she had been through. This led Brigitte to seek counseling services for Briley though Rally’s Counseling Program.

Briley is now done with treatment and enjoys playing volleyball.

Rally’s Counseling Program was designed to assist families in addressing the deep emotional and psychological issues brought on by childhood cancer. In order to provide this support, Rally selectively sourced two experienced and successful licensed counseling practices. Rally families are eligible to receive up to 10 counseling sessions with licensed professionals at minimal cost, and the first session is covered by Rally.

Through Rally’s Counseling Program, Briley received important support that she may not have had access to otherwise, due to the expense of these types of services.

Briley has always liked art, and she was able to participate in Art It Out—an art-focused counseling program. This program allowed Briley to begin expressing herself in a visual way when how she feels might be hard to verbalize.

Briley holding a painting she created.

Counseling has been a very positive experience for Briley and has helped her to better communicate her feelings—not only on her cancer journey, but also personally. Brigitte explained that Briley was very good at advocating for her wants and needs concerning her medical care, and counseling has helped carry this over to Briley’s day-to-day life.

Brigitte says, “I wish counseling were part of the cancer treatment plan. I wish these services were talked about more and used preventively instead of restoratively.”

Briley (front), her dad (left), her brother (middle, back), and her mom (right) on Easter.

Brigitte describes what a precious gift this has been for their family, and she encourages other families in the same situation to take advantage of Rally’s Counseling Program. She describes counseling as a safe, judgement-free space where there are no wrong answers—a place for healing.

You can join Rally in providing these healing services to families affected by childhood cancer. By giving to this fundraising campaign, you are bringing much-needed restoration to these families’ lives.

Please support their Journey to the Bell by making a donation today.

Check out the first post in our Journey to Bell blog series to learn how Rally Good Meals nourish families in the hospital.


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