Rally Kid Lex Dreams of Being a Hematology Oncologist

Dec 15, 2020 | Fundraising & Events, Kids, Rally Blog, Rally Stories | 0 comments

Why do we Rally for Childhood Cancer Research? The simple answer is #ForTheirFuture. When we fund the best and most promising research studies, our deepest hope is that we’ll find better treatments with fewer long-term side effects, and one day, a cure for all childhood cancers.

Rally, with your help, gives hope to all of the kids and families who are bravely battling childhood cancer, so they can dream of a future without harmful treatments, endless hospital stays and pain (both mental and physical) that lasts long after the cancer has gone.

Rally Kid Lex is one of those children who has always had big dreams for the future, and if you’ve been following along with his story, you probably know that he’s not the type of kid to let cancer get in the way. After being diagnosed with ALL, the most common childhood cancer, Lex and his family knew they had a long battle ahead of them. His mom, dad and two sisters leaned on each other for support, and found that the experience brought them closer together and helped them stay positive.

Lex with his family.

All of that positivity brings us back to Lex’s big dreams and bright future. “I want to be a hematology oncology doctor,” shared Lex. “Even before I was diagnosed, I wanted to be a heart surgeon or doing something in the medical field, but now I want to be an oncologist.”

Lex’s dreams don’t stop in the medical field, however. He’s also entertained the idea of running for president and finds the business world fascinating.

“I want to go to the Chick-fil-A headquarters and see what a day in the life of the CEO is like,” said Lex. “I want to go to a board meeting. Originally, I wanted to go to Google headquarters, but when COVID hit, I thought, I probably can’t go on a plane for a while since I am immunocompromised. So, I decided since Chick-fil-A headquarters are in Atlanta, I could do that instead.”

Lex is a big fan of Chick-fil-A!

This—this is why we Rally #ForTheirFuture, and why childhood cancer research is so important.

“Research is important because it finds better medicines for children going through treatment and gets them through it easier,” said Lex. “It’s important to have research to save the child and do it in a better way.”

Mom Ashley, who is a pediatrician, agrees. “I feel like the human body is amazing, and a child’s body even more so—they can handle so much because their organs are so young and perfect. It really makes you wonder why so much money goes to adult cancers. I am fascinated with all of the targeting therapies and immunotherapies being researched for kids with cancer, and I feel like we’re on the verge of big breakthroughs. I am grateful that Rally funds this type of cutting-edge research. I think in 5-10 years, leukemia treatment will look a lot different than it does now. There’s a lot of potential for greatness—it just takes time, money, and people willing to put the effort in.”

Lex with his parents, Ashley and David.

That’s where you come in—with your support, we can raise both money and awareness to continue funding these life-saving, live-changing breakthroughs for kids like Lex who are fighting childhood cancer.

If you’d like to make a donation to Rally, click here.

To learn more about Lex, check out this blog post: Meet Rally Kid Lex: A Fun-Loving 11-Year-Old Who’s Beating Blood Cancer

To find out how Lex and his family look on the bright side, read this blog post: How Rally Kid Lex Stays Positive While Battling Cancer During a Global Pandemic


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