What is OSI Connect?

by | Oct 27, 2022 | Childhood Cancer, Common Types, Rally Blog, What Is

OSI Connect is a free, easy-to-use, invaluable resource for those diagnosed with osteosarcoma

Osteosarcoma is a difficult and frightening diagnosis, but you are not alone. You can actually connect with leading sarcoma physician experts for a free consult. Yes, free. Yes, a consult not an email. An actual conversation.

Founded by parents who have walked the road you are now on, OSI Connect is a resource they wish they would have had. Diagnosis and relapse are overwhelming. It is impossible to know all the treatment options and questions to ask. OSI Connect is here to help you.

You can ask any questions including but not limited to treatment plans, side effects, treatment options and available clinical trials and get advice about how to get the most out of every visit with your treating physician.

In addition, the OSI Connect Administrator, sits in on the call and follows up with you providing referrals to non-treatment resources such as family emergency funds, travel assistance and much more.

To get started, simply fill out this form with pertinent information that the physicians will review before the call. Once you have completed the form and uploaded imaging and pathology reports on the OSI Connect secure site, the OSI Connect Administrator, will reach out to schedule the consult

Rally Foundation has partnered with OSI and are grateful for OSI Connect. Truly, you are not alone.

For more information on osteosarcoma, click here to read our What is Osteosarcoma blog post.


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