Childhood Cancer Doesn’t Take a Break

Mar 30, 2020 | Kids, Rally Blog, Rally Stories | 0 comments

It’s frustrating. Really, really frustrating. For the most part our country is staying home, social distancing and self-isolating to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Why is it frustrating? Because childhood cancer doesn’t take a break. It doesn’t stay home, practice social distancing or self-isolate. Nope, childhood cancer is still wreaking havoc.

Just last week:

Rally Kid Sara relapsed with leukemia for the third time. THIRD TIME. She has been admitted, gotten her port and begun a new treatment. And all she wants to do? Be at home with her sisters.

Rally Kid Sara

Rally Kid Pjo learned that he isn’t disease-free after all. His neuroblastoma is now in his bone marrow. And, to make matters even worse, his dad lost his job because of the current pandemic.

Rally Kid Pjo with his Dad

Rally Kid Ethan left self-isolation, as protected as he could be, because he needs to stick with his monthly chemotherapy treatment plan.

Rally Kid Ethan

We received phone calls of new childhood cancer diagnoses, and we ache as these families navigate their “new normal” in the midst of a global crisis that is far from normal.

We also delivered hot meals and dry goods to local hospitals, and assisted families facing financial difficulties. Childhood cancer isn’t taking a break, and neither are we.

So, we invite you—since childhood cancer isn’t going to social distance or shelter in place—to make a donation to Rally. Any size gift will be sincerely appreciated. Even if you just donate the amount you would typically spend at your local coffee shop, it WILL make a difference for families battling the cancer beast.

Help us give kids like Sara, Pjo & Ethan the boost they need to keep on fighting!


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