Searching for Clinical Trials for Blood Cancer? Contact the LLS Clinical Trial Support Center

by | Jan 22, 2024

When your child is diagnosed with leukemia or lymphoma, you want to learn as much as possible regarding treatment plans, side effects, and available clinical trials.

Rally Foundation knows that finding the right clinical trial for your child can be overwhelming, and fortunately, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) provides a free service to assist patients and families in their search.

“We believe strongly in collaborating with like-minded organizations and have partnered with LLS many times. The free service provided by LLS Clinical Trial Nurse Navigators provides families an expert at finding clinical trials for which your child may qualify,” shares Dean Crowe, Founder and CEO of Rally.

“We work one-on-one with you to provide personalized assistance throughout the entire clinical trial process,” says Leah Szumita, Director of the Clinical Trial Support Center at LLS.

LLS Clinical Trial Nurse Navigators will:

  • Speak with you to understand your goals and help you decide if a trial might be right for your child;
  • Help you understand the clinical-trial process including the rights and obligations of the participant;
  • Ask you for details about your child’s diagnosis, including genetic profile, past treatments and responses, current physical condition and past medical history that might impact eligibility for certain clinical trials;
  • Understand how your financial situation, insurance coverage, support network, and ability and willingness to travel long distances might impact your choice of clinical trials;
  • Utilize an understanding of your and your child’s unique situation to provide you with a list of appropriate clinical trials to discuss with your healthcare team;
  • Guide you in your efforts to enroll in a clinical trial, including connecting you with trial sites and additional resources;

Be available for support throughout your experience in the clinical trial.

Rally Kid Peyton

For more information about clinical trials visit or email the LLS Clinical Trial Support Center at [email protected].

Rally is proud to collaborate and partner with LLS in several pediatric leukemia projects including Dare to Dream, PedAL, and Beat AML.


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