Make a Difference #ForTheirFuture

by | Dec 10, 2021 | Rally Blog

At Rally, our mission is to find better treatments with fewer long-term side effects and, ultimately, cures for kids fighting cancer. When you donate to Rally you give hope to every kid facing cancer by funding the best research we can find. For Their Future!

Seven-year-old Rally Kid Caroline is a vivacious brain cancer fighter who wants to be a babysitter when she grows up. She wants to enjoy her mom’s cinnamon rolls and make her brothers laugh. Not even brain cancer can stop her goofy and open-hearted spirit from shining!

Rally Parents Matt and Jamie dream of Caroline’s future. As their daughter fights cancer for the fifth time, they navigate their jobs, running errands, sports practices, and doctors’ appointments.

Caroline with her mom, dad and brothers.

Right now, life for Caroline and her family looks like:

  • Eight hours at the cancer center.
  • A needle slowly dripping chemo into Caroline’s little body.
  • The giant list of side effects— and explaining them to Caroline.
  • Meetings to talk about every emotion possible with the Palliative Care team.
  • Pharmaceutical deliveries and drug store trips for anti-nausea medication.
  • Drives home from school explaining Caroline’s new medical developments to her siblings.
  • Private tears, but smiles for the world.

In the morning, they’ll take Caroline to the hospital for chemo; by the afternoon, she’s standing on a football field in a cheerleader’s uniform to celebrate homecoming.

Caroline in the hospital (left) and Caroline with her dad Matt at a football game (right)

As a five-time cancer fighter, Caroline has been a Rally Kid since she was 3 years old, and Rally has been with her and her family through every relapse, surgery, scan and treatment.

We dream of better treatments for Caroline’s future so that hospital visits, medications and side effects turn into all those dreams for the future. We dream of celebrating Caroline as she smiles widely for her fifth-grade picture. We dream of gymnastic lessons with sparkling leotards. We dream of her at home enjoying her mom’s cinnamon rolls. We dream of all the laughter her goofiness brings to her brothers.

We join Matt and Jamie as we dream of a future for this spunky 7-year-old.

Caroline with her brothers

Join us as we Rally for Caroline’s future. A future where her dreams of becoming a babysitter come true.


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