Dreams Really Do Come True

by | Nov 22, 2021 | Rally Blog

There’s an interesting oxymoron that we in the cancer community know well: you meet the best people under the worst possible circumstances.

Though we see deep loss and sorrow as we advocate for children fighting cancer, we also see beautiful generosity and hopeful stories.

Rally supporter Michael Mendelssohn was the top fundraiser at CrossFit Dynamo’s 5th annual 24 in 24, a fitness and fundraising challenge benefitting Rally.

He also happens to be a member of the Disney Vacation Club (DVC) and is in a Facebook group with many other DVC members.

Another DVC member, Gerald, was looking to donate a Disney Beach Vacation to a deserving charity. Michael immediately advocated for Rally.

Gerald selected Rally.

And this is where dreams really do come true.

Rally Kid Bella and her family had never been to the beach and Gerald made that dream come true.

Bella is a tough-as-nails 8-year-old who is beating rhabdomyosarcoma, a type of soft tissue cancer.

The cancer began in her eye in 2020. Bella finished treatment after completing several rounds of chemotherapy and radiation. She is currently beating cancer.

Bella and her sisters, Mallorie and Coraly, had never seen the ocean.

Until now!

Dreams really do come true thanks to Rally’s amazing and generous donors.

“It was so sweet to hear Bella and her sister share their first experience at a beach. The video was precious.
We are thrilled that we have been able to share this with children and their families who are going through tough times
We pray for their continued journey and are grateful to have been a tiny part of it.”

The timing was perfect and a great way to celebrate the end of Bella’s treatment.

Thanks Gerald and Michael. You inspire us to Rally On!


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