

At three years old, Haydin loved her family and playing in her kitchen. She had already hurdled many things in those three short years. She was born at 29 weeks and spent 107 days in the NICU at Centennial Childrens Hospital. For most of that time the doctors weren’t...


At six years old, Vyla enjoys most of the same things as other girls her age: princesses, gymnastics, eating ice cream, and playing with her little brother. And though she may be vibrant and vivacious now, Vyla’s life used to look a lot different. Two years ago,...


Georgia was 2 years old when they rushed her to the hospital with UTI symptoms. They ran tests and then did an ultrasound and that is when they found a tumor in her kidney. The tumor was the size of her entire kidney so within 3 days of finding out, they removed the...


On July 1, 2023, Bently had a fall that resulted in an ER visit. One hospital quickly dismissed it as a concussion and he was sent home. His mom felt that it was something more. He just wasn’t himself at all. He couldn’t sit up without being in pain and...


In 2022 Vine was diagnosed with solid tumor cancer. She is currently fighting. We are so proud of our brave Rally kids and their fight against childhood cancer. They are our inspiration! Every child diagnosed with childhood cancer inspires us to Rally On to find...