

Around Christmas of 2022, Rally Kid Lizzie’s parents noticed a small lump on her back. Everything seemed normal as she began to walk, and it didn’t bother her. After a trip to the pediatrician, Lizzie was referred to Vanderbilt for a CT scan. Lizzie had...


Rally Kid Kingston was diagnosed with grade 4 metastatic Medulloblastoma at the just before his forth birthday. While most children are just learning the ropes of their favorite after-school activities like tee-ball, Kingston is dealing with chemotherapy and new...


Rally Kid Joseph was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at the age of 15. While most teens are handling the balance of schoolwork and their favorite after-school activities, Joseph is dealing with chemotherapy and new medical procedures. We are proud of our Rally Kids and...


Rally Kid Jan-Blaise was diagnosed at three months old with a low-grade glioma called Pilocytic Astrocytoma. This type of brain tumor is one of the most treatable of the gliomas, but Jan-Blaise’s journey has been a long, hard road. He has been through 4 years of...


Rally Kid Valerie is a two-year-old diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma which is a rare solid tumor cancer in 2022. She had her tumor removed from her liver, and finished with treatment in August. Every child who has been diagnosed with childhood cancer inspires us to Rally...


At the young age of seven William was diagnosed with a neuroepithelial tumor of the brain stem. Instead of entering a normal year of second grade, Stone is battling solid tumor cancer. Every child who has been diagnosed with childhood cancer inspires us to Rally On to...

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