

Written by Naomi’s mother “We all do it! When we are little we sit and dream of one day having the perfect house, the perfect job, and most importantly the perfect nuclear family with 2 kids (in our case 3), a white picket fence, and a dog. After years of...


MyKenzie was diagnosed at 3-year-old with Stage 4 High Risk Neuroblastoma. After a two year battle filled with chemo, radiation and many side-effects, she is now beating cancer! Due to Kenzie’s treatment, she suffers from Neuropathy, hearing loss, PTSD and needs...


Tinleigh was diagnosed in September of 2015 with clear cell meningioma brain cancer. At the age of 4 years old she went through 2 brain surgeries and 33 rounds of radiation in Jacksonville, Florida. After 3 years in remission, June of 2019 Holly had to hear the heart...


Anyone who has met Gus will tell you that he has a smile and energy that is absolutely infectious. He is a happy, energetic, active 5-year-old boy. On November 12th, after his day at preschool, Gus was experiencing leg pain so intense he began to cry. His symptoms...