February 4th, that is the day we heard the word cancer. Jamison was originally diagnosed with osteosarcoma. We were put in contact with Children’s Healthcare in Atlanta through family and by the 9th he had already seen Dr. Reimer and were getting a biopsy. Diagnosis Ewing’s Sarcoma and we met Dr. Olson. In the middle of all of this we were getting our household goods deliveries. What a crazy time. Until October of 2015 we were an active duty military family who had been living in Spain for 3 years. Our tenants moved out of our home in February and we thought life was going to get back to normal. Then the word cancer shattered our lives. Jamison started chemo in late February and we travel back and forth to Atlanta. Getting treatment across state lines is a bit of a hard thing to do with prescriptions and referrals but between CHOA and our primary doctor at Sacred Heart we are able to make it work with few bumps in the road. Jamiso n is a tough guy, he has been so strong through all of this. His doctor said he thought Jamison was going to be that kid that just kicks cancer to the curb fast and easy. And through the first 6 months he did. People would tell me all the time that if he had hair you would never know he had cancer. He was still active, going to school and happy. Well last few months have been a huge change for us. In July Jamison had rotationplasty done. He came through it like a trooper he was amazing. We were home 4 days after surgery and he was back to being our happy man. We started physical therapy and had his next chemo a three weeks later. We had some problems after that with an infection and then he started having pains in his shoulder and hip. We got the infection under control but could not figure out these pains which were rapidly getting worse. So off to Atlanta again and we find out he has 2 more Ewing’s tumors. It felt like someone sucked all the air out of the room, a gain. Jamison has done amazing through this all, he has not lost his sense of humor. He is so funny. That is why I picked this picture, he always wants to make everyone laugh and be happy. We will win this war with Ewing’s.

Jamison loves to cook and watch cooking shows with me. He hopes to play soccer again. And keeps telling me he wants to learn to play the drums (that just sounds really loud, lol). Right now he loves video games. He likes to watch the car shows his favorite is Gas Monkey Garage. He likes legos and hot wheels.

Every child who has been diagnosed with childhood cancer inspires us to Rally On to find better treatments with fewer long-term side effects and, ultimately, cures. Please join us in the fight against childhood cancer by making a donation or setting up your own Rally fundraiser today.





Every child who has been diagnosed with ... read more



Tyler was a very active and athletic boy ... read more



Every child who has been diagnosed with ... read more



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