Bone Cancer

Bone cancer can be classified into two types: osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma. Of the two, osteosarcoma is the most common and typically presents itself in the bones surrounding the knee. Ewing’s sarcoma generally affects the bones of the ribs, pelvis, upper arms and thighs. Both of these bone cancers are most commonly found in adolescents and young adults.



Kayleigh’s journey with Osteosarcoma began in May 2018, when she started complaining about her leg hurting. She kept saying that something was wrong with her ankle. Her mom took her to the doctor for X-rays. When she was called to the back of the doctor’s office, she...



Riley woke up one Sunday morning with some swelling in her right forearm. After a few days of rest and keeping an eye on it, her swelling increased and her arm developed some weird bruising patterns. Riley has been a Type 1 Diabetic for over ten years, so her parents...