At just 2 months of age, Isabella and Madeline were both diagnosed with stage 4S neuroblastoma. Through testing, their family learned that Madeline had developed a tumor in utero and the cancer cells had metastasized to Isabella via the placenta they shared. As a result, Isabella and Madeline became the 9th known case of monozygotic twins to have neuroblastoma. Bella and Maddie were both admitted to the neonatal ICU at the children’s hospital where they would spend the next 44 days battling this cancer. They both had cancer cells all through their abdomen, liver, and bone marrow. 

Both twins went through 4 rounds of chemotherapy treatment and as of December 2011, they are 4 years clear of cancer! Their family thanks God everyday for their continued health and they blessing that they are to their family. Today, the twins are 4 1/2 years old and are normal, active and energetic little girls that love playing with their older brother, Isaiah, and fawning over their younger brother, Liam. They still make regular trips to the children’s hospital for check-ups but continue to do well! 

Every child who has been diagnosed with childhood cancer inspires us to Rally On to find better treatments with fewer long-term side effects and, ultimately, cures. Please join us in the fight against childhood cancer by making a donation or setting up your own Rally fundraiser today.





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