Fund Childhood Cancer Research in Honor of Rally Kid Zoe

Fund Childhood Cancer Research in Honor of Rally Kid Zoe

Zoe’s Cancer Journey

Goose’s Mission:

Our family is honored to join Rally Foundation for yet another yet of spreading awareness and fundraising for childhood cancer research. We have been partnered with them for 8+ years, and every year gets better and better. We hope you join us too in supporting this cause and helping us carry out the mission!

Here’s our message for 2023:

Hello! Thank you so much for your interest in helping us spread awareness in the month of September for Childhood Cancer Awareness!

A little back story on why this is such a passionate cause to our family. Our daughter, Zoë was diagnosed when she was just 15 months old with a very rare and aggressive AT/RT brain tumor. After six rounds of chemotherapy and very specific proton radiation treatments, she is now in remission for over 7 years. Zoë is currently 9 years old and living her best life ever! She also just recently celebrated SEVEN years in remission!! However, the late term effects of the chemo/radiation continues to take a toll on her body. Cancer literally takes over and changes your entire life. Since the day she was diagnosed, we have been heavily involved in the childhood cancer community. A community where very unfortunate events bring very loving and supportive people and families together. Childhood cancers are rare; however, these cancers take our most cherished and innocent population as victims before their young lives even start. Each day, 47 children are diagnosed with cancer in the United States, which means more than 17,000 children in the U.S. are diagnosed each year. Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in American children, resulting in the death of approximately 1,800 kids each year.

Since pediatric cancers are rare, private research and development is generally an unprofitable endeavor for pharmaceutical companies. What is even more mind blowing is that ONLY approximately 4% of the National Cancer Institute’s annual billion dollar budget is allocated for pediatric cancer research. Researchers rely on private grants to advance our understanding and survivability of these cancers; grants made possible through community fundraising.

Because of major treatment advances in recent decades, 85% of children with cancer now survive 5 years or more. Overall, this is a huge increase since the mid-1970s, when the 5-year survival rate was about 58%. Still, survival rates can vary a great deal depending on the type of cancer and other factors. Don’t even get me started on what survivors deal with in remission with the amount of late term effects they are exposed to. Due to the toxicity of treatments, 2 out of every 3 survivors will still develop at least one chronic health condition, including musculoskeletal problems and secondary cancers.

On the day a child is diagnosed with cancer, his or her fight starts, and it never ends! It’s literally a journey of survival from Day 1. This is where I bring my message back around to our daughter’s journey and the impact it now has on us. Personally experiencing this nightmare of a life event has lit a fire in our hearts to advocate for more funding of childhood cancer research. These kids deserve more. They need more advanced and targeted treatment protocols developed specifically for children! This is also where you can be involved and collaborate with us to help raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer research. #childhoodcancerawareness

We are asking for your support! We need you… these kids need you! Simply sharing this link associated with Zoë and the Rally Foundation is already greatly appreciated. If you find yourself able to do so, a donation would mean the absolute world to us! Our family has reached out to our local community to get them involved in helping us reach a huge goal this year! We personally own a small business, and we will be using that platform to give back to the childhood cancer community. We are already so touched by the amount of local businesses who want to collaborate with us. You don’t have to own a business, you as an individual can make just as big of an impact! Reach out to us to get involved! We thank everyone in advance for their continued love and support!

You are welcome to follow along Zoë’s personal journey here:

Also, here are our business links: GGB has many exciting ideas in the works, and this is just the beginning of our mission and movement!! #GGBgoesgold