

In early 2022, Cameron had a persistent cough that lasted on and off for a couple of months. Each time he went to urgent care they would swab him for COVID-19, say he was negative, tell his mother to give him cough syrup, and send him home. On February 23rd, his...


Rally Kid Coady was diagnosed with T Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at eleven years old. While most children are walking the halls of their school, Coady walks the halls of his hospital. We are proud of our Rally Kids and their brave fight. Every child diagnosed...


In January 2022, 12-year-old Sarah received news that she had cancer. The next year was filled with a port placement, blood thinner injections, picc line placement, port accesses, scans, and chemotherapy treatments. She has been a champion through it all. Sarah dreams...


On January 25th, 2021, Brett was rushed to the hospital after suffering a brain bleed. He was diagnosed with T-cell ALL the same day and told that leukemia was the cause of the bleed. Brett has experienced vision loss, surgeries, chemotherapy treatments, procedures,...


Aleyda was diagnosed with T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in November 2020 at age 19. She currently undergoing chemotherapy while awaiting a match for a life-saving bone marrow transplant. Her mom says, “The treatment and road to a cure will be a long and...