Fund Childhood Cancer Research in Honor of Rally Kid Nathan

Fund Childhood Cancer Research in Honor of Rally Kid Nathan

Nathan’s Cancer Journey

In 2020, at the age of 11, Nathan was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma that originated as a solid tumor above his kidney. He had surgery to have the tumor removed and then immediately went into treatment to fight the cancer. Nathan endured three years of treatment which included chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy + chemotherapy, oral chemotherapy and also proton radiation. He found himself in the hospital for weeks at a time, going back and forth for fevers and side effects of the medications and scans as well as blood transfusions. He was a fighter and passed his time at the appointments and admissions and downtime at home, sleeping and playing video games. He enjoyed the sport of baseball and during his last year he was feeling well enough to participate on a baseball team with his friends from school.

Nathan was a kind, loving and thoughtful child. He liked to joke around with his special nurses and favorite chaplain. Nathan’s cancer relapsed in 2023 just after he turned 14. He passed away on April 1, 2023. What he left behind was a legacy of kindness. He wanted people to Be Kind to One Another, Be Good Sportsman on the Field, Give to Others when they have nothing, give to others without receiving and above all, “Kindness is like a boomerang; you throw it, and it comes right back at you.” – Me #NathanStrong