Sadie is a 14 year old girl that is battling Osteosarcoma. She was diagnosed in November 2022. She was having swelling and pain in her knee which was thought to have been a sprain from a fall, but unfortunately after going to her orthopedic. They found out it was cancer in her left tibia. Immediately an MRI was ordered and then biopsy was done to confirm. She went into surgery knowing if she woke up with a port then she had cancer. It was confirmed and she began chemotherapy. It has been an up and down rollercoaster, but through it all she has stayed strong.
She found herself and what her purpose was. Sadie always wanted to become a traveling nurse. Now she has decided to be a nurse and work with pediatric cancer patients. Sadie has such an angelic personality and meets no stranger and people can feel and see the strength and fight within her..