Fund Childhood Cancer Research in Honor of Rally Kid Natalee

Fund Childhood Cancer Research in Honor of Rally Kid Natalee

Natalee’s Cancer Journey

On August 27, 2022 Natalee woke up to not being able to sit up in her bed without her daddy helping her. After she sat up she was her normal self and headed to a birthday party. When we arrived we noticed a large lump on natalees side and we immediately rushed her to the E.R. When we arrived it didn’t take no time for them to send her back and begin to do scans on her. They showed us the X-ray and there was a large white spot, not knowing exactly what that meant we immediately found out when they admitted her and we walked to hematology/oncology. Our hearts sank as we knew what that meant but didn’t exactly know how much our lives would get turned upside down. Natalee was diagnosed with stage 3 neuroblastoma (Wilms Tumor on her left kidney).

Natalee did 15 rounds of chemo and had to go to Jacksonville for 11 radiation treatments.Throughout this whole journey Natalee has pushed through and came out strong with a smile on her face. She had 2 surgeries to try and remove the tumor, the second one they were successful at removing the tumor , left kidney and adrenal gland. Natalee has not let this stop her as she continues to do the things she loves, softball and painting.

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