Fund Childhood Cancer Research in Honor of Rally Kid Korbin

Fund Childhood Cancer Research in Honor of Rally Kid Korbin

Korbin’s Cancer Journey

Korbin was a normal 7 year old embarking on his first season of football, when one day he woke up to both of his feet swollen and bruised with no injury to them. After an urgent care and orthopedic visit, Korbin was being treated for a possible hairline fracture in his right foot and sprain in the left foot. But still there was no answer to how this could have happened. Korbin wore a cast and a boot for 2 weeks. Once the cast was removed, he was still complaining of pain and could barely walk on his right foot. The orthopedic doctor ordered an MRI to check for a possible bone infection. Due to Covid and the scheduling of appointments, we had to wait another 2 weeks for the MRI (the end of September). Korbin tolerated the MRI with no problems but I got an uneasy feeling due to how the nurses were acting as they were walking us back. After a few minutes the nurse entered the room stating that the radiologist wanted to get more images of Korbin’s legs. I agreed and they took him back but this time without me. He soon returned as cheerful as ever to have this red balloon tied to his bed that he had requested. Moments later the radiologist was entering the room to inform me that the orthopedic doctor was trying to call me. Then the phone rang… All I remember hearing was “I’m sorry but from the scans performed today the radiologist suspects that Korbin has leukemia, you need to go to Scottish Rite immediately for further testing.” My heart sunk to the floor and I didn’t know what to say, how to respond, how to act, I mean nothing. All I knew is that I had this precious little boy in front of me happy as can be and I’m trying to hold every emotion inside.

We made our way to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Scottish Rite and they immediately took Korbin back to start running tests. He was admitted that same day with a scheduled bone marrow aspirate and biopsy for the next morning. During this waiting time the lead oncologist for the leukemia team along with the orthopedic specialist informed me that based on information I provided them and their initial examination they didn’t think it was leukemia but were going to do all necessary testing to rule it out. They actually had given me an entirely different diagnosis that was treatable at home. The results came in late that evening on September 23rd. The lead oncologist entered the room and gave me a look which made me feel like my world had just shattered. He explained the results and stated that he honestly didn’t think Korbin was a candidate but it was caught early. Korbin was scheduled to have a port implanted the next morning to begin chemotherapy. After further testing Korbin was officially diagnosed with Philadelphia Chromosome Positive B-Cell ALL (PH+ B-ALL).

This journey has been a roller coaster but through it all, Korbin has continued to keep a smile on his face and roll with the punches. My strength has come from him. It amazes me that through all of the treatment, medicines, activities being taken away, limited guests, and not being able to go out around people that much MY SON continues to smile. Sometimes he has to tell me, “it’s going to be okay mommy. I might not be able to do it now but I will eventually.” He has learned to provide me with the encouragement that I provide to him.

In late April 2022, Korbin was admitted into the hospital due to a fever. Eventually his ANC dropped and his symptoms got worse therefore his chemotherapy was paused. After weeks of being in the hospital his health started to rapidly decline. It was discovered in late May that he had a fungal infection (scedosporium) that had spread to 5 different organs. His lung being the most severe. Korbin was eventually moved to PICU due to acute respiratory failure, where he stayed for almost two weeks. He was finally released after a 53 day stay in the hospital with uncertainties regarding chemo and the infection.

A decision was made in July to restart chemo using an alternative treatment that wouldn’t lower his immune system to the point it couldn’t continue fighting the fungal infection. This alternative treatment required an initial in-patient stay to monitor him for 48 hours being given the medication. This was scheduled to take place in August. During that observation period Korbin suffered a grand mal seizure due to grade 4 neurotoxicity. He was placed in PICU for a couple of days where he was unconscious for 2 days.

At this point the team decided there were no other treatment options for Korbin due to the fungal infection. They decided to move him into the maintenance phase of treatment, which he started in September. Since they didn’t know the status of Korbin’s leukemia, testing was done early to check. On October 19th, Korbin was declared in remission with no evidence of disease. He is still continuing the maintenance phase of treatment and thriving, even with the minor setbacks along the way.

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