Fund Childhood Cancer Research in Honor of Rally Kid Gabriella

Fund Childhood Cancer Research in Honor of Rally Kid Gabriella

Gabriella’s Cancer Journey

On March 27, 2019, Gabriella (4 years old) woke up complaining her head hurt, vomiting and was extremely lethargic. She refused to stand or lift her arms which led me to believe this was a little more than a virus. A quick phone call to our pediatrician who was unable to see us so we headed to urgent care. After a few hours in the office, we were discharged with a viral diagnosis. Initially the doctor thought neurological but immediately dismissed the idea since Gabriella was able to walk 3-4 feet.

My mommy heart knew it was something more, so we headed to Children’s Health Care of Atlanta. After an 8+ hour wait, numerous labs and a CT scan, the ER doctor came into our room and said the words no parent ever wants to hear. Gabriella has a massive tumor on her brain. We are admitting you to PICU, scheduling a two and a half hour sedated MRI and brain surgery immediately after. I was speechless as I knew something was wrong but never did I imagine hearing those words. Gabriella underwent a nine hour brain surgery and was in the hospital for one month. We spent the next year going to physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy relearning some basics skills. Unfortunately she relapsed shortly after her first brain surgery and underwent another brain surgery June 2021. Little did we know this was only the beginning of a lifetime journey we were now a part of.

We are raising funds for Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research to find better treatments with fewer long-term side effects and, ultimately, cures for kids fighting cancer.

Please join us in the fight against childhood cancer!

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