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Phinley’s Phund

Donate Now and Fund Life-Saving
Childhood Cancer Research

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Phinley’s Phund

Donate Now and Fund Life-Saving
Childhood Cancer Research

Live Life Phinley Kate Style

Meet the little girl who touched hearts and changed lives around the world! During her one year battle with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Phinley Kate drew countless people to her with her faith and love for God, her unconditional love for those around her, and her ability to choose happiness and joy regardless of her circumstances. She spoke over and over about how she loved everyone; “all the people in the world”. Listening to Jesus Loves Me made her cry tears of happiness, and she would ask if every child got to feel as happy as she did, living in the hospital.

Hours before passing, needing oxygen and unable to swallow or speak without great effort, Phinley asked for Pepsi. When she received a few drops in her mouth so she could taste it, she leaned back against her hospital pillow with a small smile, and said, “I’m living my best life”. Childhood cancer research currently receives only 4% of the available funding dollars. Adult cancer is not the same as childhood cancer, and progress in treating adult cancer does not always equal progress in treating childhood cancer. It’s time kids got their turn.

What if Phinley Kate could have been saved if we understood AML in children better, and had better treatment options resulting from targeted scientific research? Help us fund the desperately needed research, in the hopes that future Phinleys can have a chance at a better outcome.

$50,000 fully funds one research grant. Please see our list of phincredible phundraising partners, who either carry designated Phinley Kate products, or are making regular donations to Phinley’s Phund, to help us reach our goal. Every purchase of a Phinley Kate Style product results in Phinley Bucks, deposited directly into this phund, where we can all watch it grow together!

Let’s show the world that our Phinleys deserve more than 4%, and if they won’t give it, we will raise it.

What a beautiful world this could be, if we could all remember to live life Phinley Kate Style. Let’s start here, and see where it goes.

Thank you for joining us, and always live your best life!

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